April 22nd Greg Buchanan - Jetty Red Snapper

We had a great day fishing with a friend of Dewey's, Greg Buchanan. It was his first trip out with us and really was a pretty slow day. With the water too warm for the Black Drum Run and still a little cool for the summer pattern to set in, we really didn't know what to expect.

We put cut shad, crab, shrimp and cut whiting on the bottom. Fished at Moon Rock, Tarpon 2 and then back at the Moon Rock. We were only able to muster 1 Bull Red, 1 Sting Ray and believe it or not, 1 - 23.5 inch Red Snapper.

The Red Snapper was caught at the Jetty Pole on cut whiting. It is the first snapper I have seen caught at the Jetty since we have been fishing out there. We took it home - perfectly legal State Water Red Snapper.

Will be fun when the summer pattern fully develops!

Here is a video of the Trip

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