April 7th, 2008 - Just Like Old Times

This trip was just like old times - just Dewey and I headed out to the North Jetty this morning. We grabbed some shad, crab and shrimp and headed out to the end of the Jetty and fished on the outside - fished Shrimp Boat. There was a strong incoming tide - water was about 68 and had good color.

We caught several Black Drum, 1 Bull Red and 6 puppy drum. Something of interest on the day was the overwhelming schools of glass minnows in the water. Throughout the day, Spanish Macs were busting through the minnows - coming out of the water - making quite the commotion. I threw spoons, chrome rattletraps, swimming minnows and freelined shrimp but only had one hit. Never caught one mac.

All in all - a nice day on the Jetty.

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