
Showing posts from November, 2004

Friday - November 19th, 2004 Fishing Trip

This was the last Red of the day - he measured in about 44 to 45 inches. This was a "Bonus Day" for Bull Reds. When we left that morning - we didn't anticipate we would catch many Bulls - it is supposed to be getting to the time of the year when the Bull Red Run stops. However soon it may be - it still seemed on today.
Here is one of the smaller Bull Reds of the Day. 
After his All Star Rod broke - Dewey was convinced the Red was THIS BIG . Why is it all the B I G ones seem to get away! Well ... at least all Deweys seem to get away. (grin)
Dewey was fighting a Bull Red when the Red went under the boat. Dewey worked the fish when SNAP - his All Star Rod broke half in two! We were able to fight the fish for a while longer with me holding the broken tip and Dewey realing - but ultimately it was too much - and the line snapped. 
Here is another Bull Red caught that day. The weather for the day was high about 70 - winds SSE then SSW about 10. Tide was slack early - then strong outgoing tide about 10am.
Here is where the 1/2 Bull Red each comes in. Dewey and I both fish with two poles. Usually, we both have a pole at the back of the boat in the pole holder and either hold the other or put them in the pole holders mid-boat. Both of our back poles took off at the same time. That in itself isn't so unusual - it has happened before. However, we noticed that both our lines were traveling in the same direction. A Bull Red had come through a picked up both our lines and we both caught this fish! Dewey's hook was deep in the gullet of the Red - mine was in his jaw. After we finished laughing - we landed the fish - disloged my hook - cut his leader leaving his hook in the fish - and release it. Neither of us had ever seen anything like this before. It was a good laugh! 
Here is Dewey with a nice Bull he caught. Don't know what is going on with the "Gill Flare." 
Here is another Bull I caught. Notice the horizon - it was quite choppy out during the day. Most fish were caught after the strong outgoing tide kicked in about 10am. 
Here is another nice Bull that Dewey caught. 
Here is another Bull Red I caught. All I caught were caught on fresh cut mullet and on 12lb test line. I was using my Shimano 4000fa Reels and an All Star and Stimula Rod. 
This is one of the Bull Reds Dewey caught. All the Bull Reds were between 37 and 45 inches. 
Friday - November 19th, 2004 - Dewey and I went out to SS#2 and it was very productive. During 6 hours - I caught 14 1/2 Bull Reds and 3 Gaftop - Dewey caught 8 1/2 Bull Reds and 2 Gaftop. All the Bull Reds were released. I will explain the 1/2 Bull Red later in this blog. 

November 12th, 2004 Fishing Trip

This was a Black Drum I caught at SS#1. It wasn't long after this we called it a day and headed in - stopped at Starbucks to recover. Final count for the day - One Red - Two Black Drum and way too many hardheads. The forecast for Monday is strong NW Winds - Chilly Temps - and as a bonus - a little drizzle. I think we are going to try and head out - my friend will be in from Dallas. Should be alot of fun.
With the NNW wind turning the water in the bay to mud - and the outgoing tide - the water on the inside of the Jetty was quite murky. The outside of the Jetty was far too choppy - so we fished at SS#1 with no luck. We moved to SS#2 and Dewey caught his huge Black Drum. So we went back to SS#1 and I caught this Red - about 39" long. And yes ... it was a cold as it looks. And would have been even worse if not for a late trip to WalMart. Those matching quilted waterproof jackets were worth their weight in gold.
November 12th - Friday - 48 degrees - 15-20 knots - NNW winds - cold and choppy. Originally, I was supposed to have a meeting that morning - but was able to meet Thursday afternoon - leaving this morning open. Normally - this would not be conditions for any sane person to fish ... however, I have a friend coming in Monday and we need to see if we could make it in these conditions. Not hazardous - but on the way to the Jetty - wet and cold. Dewey caught this huge black drum - over 30lbs - notics how scraped up it was. Don't know why - but some of the drum and many of the Reds have the scrapes. 

November 8th, 2004 Fishing Trip

This was another Red we caught that day. Later in the day we were able to get to the end of the Jetty. There were a pod of Porpoise playing about. They were flipping a flounder up in the air and splashing about. It was great to see. It will be interesting to see how much longer the Red Run lasts.
This was a nice Red that Dewey caught. I think he caught 4 or 5 Bull Reds and 1 Large Black Drum on the day. 
We had not caught any Black Drum all summer long - but for some reason we caught 3 on Friday. This one tipped the scales at about 30 lbs. 
I caught this 40" Red at "Secret Spot Numebr Two" along the Jetties. We were not able to get out to the end of the Jetty for "Secret Spot Number One" ... but "Secret Spot Number Two" produced quite well. Notice the GQ pose by the Master Red Fisherman. (laughing hysterically)
Dewey and I went fishing November 5th. Although the water at the jetties had cooled considerably - the Bull Reds were still there. 
Joseph also caught this nice Drum. 
Nathan caught this drum in Kemah. He also caught a nice Sheep's Head - but the digital camera ran out of batteries. 
Joseph - my 10 year old son - caught this 18" Rat Red in Kemah.