
Showing posts from January, 2005

Galveston's North Jetty

Found this great picture of Galveston's North Jetty. This is where we fish for the Bull Drum and Bull Reds. If you look closely - you can see the boat cut about 1/3 of the way down the Jetty. . If you REALLY look closely - right at the end - you can see Dewey trying to knock off a 52" Bull Red off Mark's line with the net! (laughing)

January 25th, 2005 - Almost Empty Handed

The sky was clear blue - the wind SSW at 5mph - the water was fine - tide was outgoing - seemed like everything was perfect for a great day of Bull Red fishing. BUT NO! We did not catch a single Bull Red. We tried 5 different spots - nothing - not one run - not one Red. All we caught was two Big Ugly Black Drum. Why couldn't we catch any? Who knows. Full Moon? Maybe. High Pressure? Perhaps. All I know is that this was the first time we went out and didn't catch a Red
Dewey and I were able to take Sam Craig - a great friend - out to the Jetty to fish. This is the huge Back Drum that he caught. It weighed almost 40lbs. Again, this was caught on 12lb test line. Sam said this was the largest fish he has ever caught. So while we didn't catch any Reds - Sam still went home thrilled.
Here is the second drum Sam caught. Although large, it wasn't near as big as the first.
Never wanting to leave empty handed - here is the only thing I caught - a piece of rope! It was undersized - so it was thrown back. Worked it back and forth to assure survival. (grin) Still haven't quite figured out why we couldn't catch any Reds. Perhaps another day.

January 22nd, 2005 - Fishing with Cody C.

Had an opportunity to fish with Cody C. out at the North Jetty on Saturday. It was incredibly Foggy - and quite spooky as we idled out from the Dike to the Jetty with one eye on the GPS - one eye on the Fog - and both ears open for the Ferry! Cody wanted some pointers on fishing for Bull Reds - so we met and headed out. Even though it was very foggy - the water was incredibly slick and the fishing fair. I think the approaching Cold Front might have altered the fishing some - but still - 4 Big Black Drum and 3 Reds - not a bad day!
Here is another one of the Big Black Drum that Cody caught. The Black Drum do not fight as well as a Bull Red - but still - they are alot of fun to fight on 12lb test line! Oh - and before you ask where my pictures are of the fish I caught ... well this was Cody's Day. He got all the action - anyway - somebody had to bait the hooks and take the pics! (grin)
After catching the Black Drum and SS#2 - we went out of SS#1 and hooked 3 Reds. Here is Cody fighting a Red that threw the hook right at the boat. Both of the Reds that came boatside were in the 40 - 42 inch range. Great pic of the action on the Shimano Stimula Rod and the Mitchell Full Runner 6500 Spinning Reel . The Reds were taking the bait very very slowly on this day. Much like the slow bite of a Black Drum .
Here is Cody fighting one of the three Bull Reds he hooked. This was the one that I lost when we were trying to get it in the boat without a net. I should have brought the net I normally use - truly industrial strength net - to get the Reds in the boat. I still feel bad about not getting this one in the boat for Cody. Still - a fair day fishing - 4 Big Black Drum - 3 Reds Hooked and 1 new friend made. At least I think he is a friend - might still be up in the air after I lost the Red. (grin)

Wednesday - January 19th, 2005

We were able to get out to the North Jetty Wednesday, January 19th. We caught the end of an outgoing tide - all fish were before the tide slacked. It was a good day - 5 Bull Reds - 2 Black Drum for me - Dewey caught 5 Bull Reds and 1 Hardhead! The smallest Red was about 32" and the largest this day was about 42". Water was choppy at first - but then slicked over when the tide died. Water temp was about 54 degrees.
This was one of the 5 Reds Dewey caught on the day.
Dewey caught this Red. He (the Red - not Dewey) was beat up and bloody when we brought him into the boat. He was scraped up badly. Best we could figure - he probably had been caught in a Shrimp net - then released - or was an attempted meal for a shark. Either way - his scrapes were superficial - and we sent him on his way.
Here is Dewey trying to bounce the scales so his Red would appear heavier than it really was. (laughing) This was one of the nicer Reds of the day - right round the 40-42 inch mark - weighing about 21.5 lbs.
This was one of the Reds I caught.

Monday - January 10 - Quick Trip FOG

Dewey and I snuck out to the Jetties Monday Morning. We got a late start because of work and fog - but made it out the end of the Jetty about 11:00 - just catching the end of an outgoing tide. There was a line of muddy and clear water making its way into the channel. I caught this Red - 38" - about 26lbs - right as the line was passing beneath us. The clear water had visibility up to about 8 foot at the end of the jetty. Shortly after that - the tide slacked and so did the fishing.
Dewey caught this black drum. This was the last fish of the day - the tide went slack. We went up to the boat cut thinking there may be some water moving there - but pretty slack there also. We had only fished about 1 1/2 hours when the fog started rolling in. When it got to the point we couldn't see the ships in the channel - we knew it was time to head in. The fog bank lifted at the Ferry landing - so there was no problem getting to the dock - but at the Jetty is was pea soup thick.

January 8th, 2005 - Family Fishing Trip

On Saturday, January 8th, Dewey was kind enough to take my wife and boys out to the Jetty for their Maiden Bull Red Fishing Trip! Although it was very cold and bumpy on the trip from the TC Dike to the Jetty - we were fortunate to hook three Bull Reds on the day. This is Joseph, my oldest son, and his first Bull Red. He (the Red) measured in at about 36" long. Joseph fought the Red hard and the better Redd won! (laughing)
Here is Nathan's first Bull Red! It is almost at big as him! The Red was 36" long! It was so big - he couldn't hold it up - pose - and stay standing in the boat!
This is my wife fighting her first Bull Red. She fought it like a champion! She said something about being used to fight a stubborn Redd . (grin) And yes, she fought the fish all by herself!
This is a 38" Bull Red my wife Sharon caught. This was her first trip to the Jetties - and by far the biggest fish she has ever caught. What a great catch! (talking about my wife!)