Bayano River Fishing for Snook

The fishing was pretty slow - not many bites or bumps. We did catch Snook up to about 10lbs. But the story of the day was the "One that got away." Towards the end of the day, I hooked a massive Snook. After fighting the fish for about 20-25 minutes, he wrapped me around a log on the flat along the channel and the braided line snapped when we tried to free it.

The guide estimated the fish to be over 50lbs - my guess was about 45lbs. It was the size of a good Bull Red - but put on a great arial display - on jump which was caught on film.

I also put a pic here of the Corvina - they look like a cross between a trout and a red - but they are huge. We didn't fish for them - never have - but might during the future.

We also fished Lake Gatun for Peacock Bass. This is the second time I have fished for these fish on this lake - most of them are small schoolies - and this time was not different. We caught about 50 fish in about 2.5 hours. We also had a great encounter with White Faced Monkeys - and put that video on the blog.

We had a great time fishing with Capt. Tony Herndon of Panama Fishing and Catching. This was the first time I successfully fished for Snook on the Bayano River.

We caught a nice 10 pounder, then a 8 and 6. But the one that got away was truly the fish of the trip. After about a 25 minute fight, an estimated 45lb snook wrapped my braided line around a log and eventually snapped the line. It was a heart breaking loss ... but at the same time a great fish to come back and chase again.

Here is the video of the trip:

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