
Showing posts from July, 2005

July 28 - Full House - Jacks full of Sharks with a Ray Kicker.

We had a great morning of fishing. While fishing the Jetty - we could see something tearing up the water - scattering fish - we were hoping Tarpon (although I have never seen one roll or chase bait) for some have been spotted - and even jumped recently at the Jetty. I took a large - heavy spoon and flung it as far as I could toward the action. A few cranks and he slammed the spoon and the fight was on Although we didn't catch any Reds, on the day I caught 3 Jack Crevalle, 2 nice 4 foot shark, and a 3 1/2 - 4 foot ray. I did see one fish jump - either a large Spanish mackerel, lady fish, king fish or small tarpon - cleared the water - but is was over 100 yards away - so really couldn't tell. Still searching for that illusive Tarpon this year. (smile) Click Here for the video of some of the fishing. (The video does not work with Firefox - one day I will figure out why.)
This was the second of the Jack's I caught. We were fishing on the channel side of the Jetty when I saw water blowing up and hair fish scattering on the outside of the Jetty. I watched as it continued - then pulled up anchor - when through the boat cut - and got within casting distance. Using a large spoon - I threw it as close as I could get without spooking the fish - we hoped it was Tarpon tearing up the water - hut as soon as the spooon hit - so did the Jack and the fight was on. About 30 minutes later we had him aboard. 
This is the last - and largest of the 3 Jack Crevalle that we caught. He was the only one caught on cut bait. All in all a great day of fishing. Water was 88.7 - clear to 5 foot - slightly choppy seas - out going tide. 

July 21st & 22nd - "The Deweys!"

Fished Thursday and Friday at the Jetties. Thursday, Dewey and Dewey Jr caught 9 Bull Reds and several Gaftop. Mostly on live croaker. The water was really swirling - ripping through the boat cut - large swells. I fished Friday with "the Deweys" - fished incoming tide - then pretty slack. Caught 1 Bull Red on cut shad - Several Gaftop and 15-20 Sand Trout. Water really calmed down mid-morning - almost flat - came in about noon. I thought the Red Run might have started - but I think that the tidal surge exiting the bay caused some real water movement - bring in the Reds yesterday. After the water moved out of the bays - the tidal movement was pretty slack.
This is one of the Nine Reds that "The Deweys" caught. 
Here is a smaller on that Dewey caught ... and before you ask why I am not in any of these pictures - I wasn't invited to go! (laughing) 
Here is another one ... interesting spot pattern on this one. 
Here is a beauty that Dewey Jr. caught. 
Here is another that Dewey caught. 
Here are some of the Reds that were caught on Thursday. 

July 8th, 2005 - Bucksnort and Bucksniffle

Bucksnort (Danny Webb) and his son Bucksniffle (Blake) went out to the Jetties for a bit of fishing. On the day - Blake caught this nice Spanish Mackerel along with several shark up to 3 foot. I also caught several shark - one about 4 foot. And Danny - well he caught many hardhead. (So much for the fishing lesson he promised me..... grin) However, Danny did latch into something that was incredibly big. We fought the fish for 3 hours - chased it about 2 miles out from the end of the jetty - back into the ship channel - almost half way back down the jetty before we tightened the drag down and broke it off. We were fighting it on a Penn 309 and 50lb test line. At best guess, it was a giant Ray - but we never saw it. Here is Danny's version of the 3 Hour Fight - Myself, Bucksniffle and DaParson went out on a trip yesterday. My plan was to find some slot reds but my spot was blown out from all the storms and the wind changes. When we got out there we had a west wind going and it was mud...
We caught several Sharks on the day - but this was the largest. Although I can routinely handle sharks up to about 3 foot - this one was a bit larger than I wanted to grab and hold.