July 21st & 22nd - "The Deweys!"

Fished Thursday and Friday at the Jetties. Thursday, Dewey and Dewey Jr caught 9 Bull Reds and several Gaftop. Mostly on live croaker. The water was really swirling - ripping through the boat cut - large swells.
I fished Friday with "the Deweys" - fished incoming tide - then pretty slack. Caught 1 Bull Red on cut shad - Several Gaftop and 15-20 Sand Trout. Water really calmed down mid-morning - almost flat - came in about noon.
I thought the Red Run might have started - but I think that the tidal surge exiting the bay caused some real water movement - bring in the Reds yesterday. After the water moved out of the bays - the tidal movement was pretty slack.