January 24th, 2006

It was cold and blustery when we started the day. We were the only trailer at the Boat Ramp at the end of the Dike. Always a wonderful sign. (grin)

The main objective of the day was to test 2 new Shimano Rods I bought for my Kuna Indian Mission trip in Panama. I picked up two Shimano 8ft - Medium Heavy 2-piece rods at Academy. I matched them with a Shimano Thunnus TU-6000 on one rod and the Mitchell Full Runner FRS6500 on the other.

Although I am not a big fan of 2 piece rods - it is a neccessity for the flight over. They perfomed well - except the "creak" when under strain from fighting a big fish. I sure they will be well tested in Panama when fishing for Tarpon and Snook in the Bayano River.

This was the first Black Drum we caught.

Specifics: Water 56.7; Air Temp 48.7; Winds 15 from NNW shifting to 5 from SSE in the afternoon; Baramoter 1024.5 and Rising; Cloudy in the morning - clearing in the afternoon.

On the day we caught 4 Black Drum and 1 Bull Red.

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