I baited up the balloon line with one of this little live wired guys and some shad to go with him and put it out. After a few minutes, the line took off screaming! For those who read my reports – you know this is my “Dream Line.” A line I constantly put out in hopes of catching an ever-illusive Tarpon. I thought this was it … my heart was pounding as I switched to the main drag and leaned back hard.
Then the fun really started – the fish shot out of the water! He jumped out, totally cleared the water, and took off with the drag screaming. It was a big, strong, thick Black Tip Shark and he was highly motivated! It was a great fight!
We got him to the boat, gaffed him, bled him, tucked him in the icebox and gave him to one of the church families who love shark to eat.
With the conditions the way they were, water clarity and baitfish we thought we should have caught more fish that we did. The only explanation we could come up with was the rise in barometric pressure. But still – all in all – we did catch 2 good large Black Tips and spent a good morning on the water.