November 7th, 2006 - SLOW DAY

Dewey and I had an opportunity to take Wayne Hamilton and his father, Alton out to the Jetty today. The winds were NNW at 10-13 and the current was ripping through the channel. Even with 8oz weights we had trouble keeping bait on the bottom with such a current.

We went to the end and tried fishing outside the Jetty, but the waves were beating us to death. We then took off to the outside of the South Jetty - the water was calm, the current was not bad at all - everything was great - but no fish.

We headed back towards the boat cut - the current had slowed just a tad. It was then we caught the only Bull Red of the day. Alton fought and landed the fish. I forgot to measure it, but my guess is somewhere between 38-41 inches. The fish was vented and sent on his way.

We also caught some massive Slimy Gaftop - but it was a pretty slow day fishing.

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