Ringing In the New Year!!! - January 1st, 2007

Starting the New Year Right!

Dewey, Dewey Jr and I headed out to the Jetty today - January 1st, 2007! It was in the mid 40's when we launched - with a North Wind about 10. It was quite chilly. We fished Shrimp Boat, Tarpon 2 and then the Moon Rock catching several Whiting and 4 Bull Reds.

Of coarse, it goes without saying that Dewey caught his Hardhead!

While we were fishing, we wondered how many Bull Reds we caught during 2006. I ran a quick tally and the number is between 170 and 175 Bull Reds!! We also caught a 51" King, 46" Cobia, many Jacks and literally a ton of Big Ugly Black Drum! Hopefully this year will be even better and I will be able to add a Tarpon to the list!

Dewey Jr and his nice Red. This was a great female bull red. It went about 44-45 inches!

Here is the first Bull Red of the Day. And yes, it was that cold!

Here was the 2nd Bull Red I caught January 1st, 2007! He, along with all the Reds today, were released.

Here was the last fish of the day. All fish were caught on either cut shad or cut whiting fished on the bottom. It was a great way to start the new year!

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