December 31st, 2007

New Years Eve - 2007

Stunningly beautiful day. Water about 51-53 degrees - not much tidal movement - not a cloud in the sky. Water flat as a fritter. Everything you would want ... but something was missing.

Looked at the Moon Rock. They weren't there!
Looked at the Sunken Ship. They weren't there!
Looked at the Sunken Shrimp Boat. They weren't there!
Looked between the Jetty Pole and the Jetty. They weren't there!
Looked at the Honey Hole. They weren't there!
Went back to the Moon Rock in Deeper Water. They weren't there!
Even peered over into Captain Mike's Boat When He wasn't looking ..... They weren't there either! (at least while I was looking)

What did we find? Plenty of whiting, croaker, sand trout, puppy drum - But NO BULL REDS! Used Shad, Whiting, Croaker, Dead Shrimp, Live Shrimp, Sand Trout and a Twinkee - but couldn't must one single run!

But man was it pretty outside!

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