July Panama - Pedasi and South Frailes Rock

On the first half of my Panama Trip, the weather didn't cooperate very much. Rather than fishing two full days in Pedasi and Frailes Rock - we were blown off the water by storms the first day and then only fished the afternoon - and again lightening storms forced us off the water. So we really fished about 1 full day rather than two.

Be that as it may, we had a good day fishing the South Frailes Rock. It was late in the day when we ran into schools of Yellow Fin Tuna. Each pass we were able to have double hook ups. Most of the Tuna were in the 20-30 lb. range.

We also picked up a few small Durado, Skip Jack Tuna, Sierra, and Bonita. We did not get to go after Rooster Fish - which was disappointing. But with the rain and lightening, there wasn't much we could do about it all.

The area around the Frailes is one of the more beautiful spots I have been. There are pristine beaches, great fishing and wonderful people both in Pedasi and the Frailes. I texted my wife and told here that I found a place to retire.

One of the cooler things about fishing Pedasi and the Frailes was the number of Whales we saw. While we didn't have any "close encounters" we did see them jumping and making huge - and I do mean huge - spashes. I was genuinely awe struck - never seen that at the Jetty! (Smile)

In a couple of days, I will be heading to Ali Ghandi in the Kuna Yalla. I hope to do some fishing down there.

When I return, I will be editing and adding more details to the blog about this years Panama Trip.
Here is Arthur Benfield with a Tuna. I shouldn't say this ... but I outfished him yet again! (grin) Arthur was a great host - we stayed one evening in his home in Behuko before we headed to Pedasi.

This is Roberto our Captain - He fishes out of Pedisi and did us a great job! The charter rates were $50.00 plus gas ($4.65 a gallon) - we used 15 gallons each day. His boat is a 22 ft panga with a 40 hp Outboard. It fished great ... but my rear end is sore! (just what you wanted to know.)
While lightening was popping around us - I grabbed one of the Tuna for a pic before we headed for cover.
These were small, but really fun to fight.
Here is a Sierra I caught. It looks like a giant Spanish Mac - but they call them Sierra.

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