October 20th, 2005 - Dr. Jim Barksdale and Danny Webb

Last year about this time, Dr. Jim Barksdale, a long time friend of mine, came fishing. We talked him down from Sulphar Springs - and took him and Danny Webb out to the Jetty today.

Danny hooked the first Bull Red of the day. It was beautifully colored and put up a good fight. We fished an strong outgoing tide - with water clarity crystal clear at the end of the jetty - but stained further in.

It turned out to be an incredible frustrating day. We were surrounded by fish - but caught very few. People were slaying the Spanish Mackerel at the end of the North Jetty. But we did not have any shrimp - and they wouldn't take spoons. We chased schools of Bonita as they thrashed the surface past the end of the North Jetty - had several strong strikes and runs - only to loose spoons and have fish pull loose - we didn't land any. We also had several runs with Reds - only to have them drop the bait after the initial run. Just one of those days!

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