June 26th-30th - Surfside Beach House.

missing me a bit? (smile) me too
For about the last 35 years, most every summer we rent a beach house for a week down in Surfside. It is a family time we really enjoy with friends and family.

This year, we stayed in the Aloha Beach rented from Brannan Beach House Rentals. It was the most beautiful beach house we have ever stayed in.

The water was beautiful and the fishing was pretty good. We caught several specks between 18-22", Spanish Macs, Whiting, Croakers, Sand Trout, Gaftop, Rat Reds, and countless shark. All our fishing was done just wading out in the beach in front of the house or setting up a long rod with cut bait.

We fished with dead shrimp, cut bait, and artificial. Most of the fish were caught on mirrorlures, or spoons tipped with shrimp. Kinda cheating - but my boys were doing most of the fishing.

It was a great week of fishing.

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