Fishing in Panama - San Blas and Bayano River - August 2007

We had a great time fishing on the Mission Trip to the Kuna Indians in Panama. Most of the fishing was done between islands in San Blas, but we also were able to do some fishing around the mouth of the Bayano River as it flows into the Pacific.

Here is a video of the trip

These were the guys who took me around the islands. We trolled Snapper Slappers - and all fish we caught around the islands were on the Red and White Slapper.
The locals called this a "Sierra" - which to me looks like a small Kingfish.
This Rock Grouper was a great catch! Both of these fish were taken back to the Islands and our host family was thrilled to get the fish!We caught this Spanish Mac while fishing around the mouth of the Bayona River. He was caught on a Blue and White Yozuri Minnow.This is one of the many Needle Fish we caught . They were some mean powerful little suckers!

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