Panama Fishing Report Second Half

Here is a video of the fishing both in the Pacific and Carribean.

We were able to so some fishing while we were in the Kuna Yalla in Panama. We stayed on the island of Ali Ghandi working there and also on two close islands, Atchitupu and Mamitupu. Each time we went from island to island we trolled.

Honestly, I trolled a Red/White Feather Jig till the feathers almost fell off. Probably 12-15 miles of total trolling. On the other rod I used a Blue/White Rapalla, Red/White Rapalla and Red/White Cedar Plug. Those were the main trolling baits. I also used everything else in my tackle box to no avail.

The water around the islands - from island to island - varies from just a few inches deep to 30 foot. However, I also trolled up to 5 or 6 miles off shore in water (guessing) approaching 1,000 ft. And I NEVER HAD A HIT!!!! I was stunned.

This is my 4th trip to the islands. On previous trips I have seen tons of showering baitfish between islands but this time I just saw it once. I don't know if the currents have changed, the water is too warm (86 degrees) or if it has just been fished out, but I really couldn't buy a bite!

This is one of the 2 kyukas that we fished out of. It was about 30 foot long - 4 foot wide made out of a log. The engine was 15 horsepower. We took this boat out about 2-3 miles offshore trolling.
I took this picture about 3 miles offshore ... no outboard ... no safety equipment ... just a guy scratching out a living.

These were caught in about 500-600 foot of water. That is a long deep drop. They were caught on small bait fish.

Notice the boat in the background. It was about 30 foot long - about 3 foot wide - with a 9.9 horse Evinrude on the back. We were out probably 6-8 miles offshore in water upto and possibly over 1,000 foot deep. Between swells - I couldn't see anything but waves. Just another day out in the Kuna Yalla. Also notice my home made rod holders (Thanks Jerry). They worked like a charm.
These are other fish we caught on deep drops that day. I don't know what they are, but they sure are pretty!

This is Lino (on right) fishing the traditional Kuna way - with a handline. At times we could not reach the bottom - I had about 275 yards of 50lb braid on my Shimano Thunnus - I dropped all of it - down to the knot - and still didn't reach the bottom.

These guys used all of there line - weighted by a 12" piece of rebar - and then pulled it back up. They are more men than I am!

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