Here is Dewey and another Drum.

You can see the boat behind us - There were several boats around the boat cut and a few others past us. The boats that we could see were hooked up fairly often. We did see several "floaters" - Big Drum that weren't either vented or treated properly to give them the best chance of survival.

When we left - there was one drum that was floating by the rocks - we went over and netted him - vented him and sent him on his way.

For those who have followed this blog - you know my story about venting. Last year I caught the biggest Black Drum I had ever caught up to that point. We were out at the end of the Jetty - I got him off the hook - worked him back and forth several minutes - then released him. He went under - then floated to the top - we pulled anchor - netted him again - worked him - let him go only to see him floating again. I spent close to an hour working on this fish - trying to get him to submerge. We finally just left him - watched the seagulls pick he anal pore and eyes. I assume he died.

It was on that day I determined to learn something new - how to vent both Bull Black Drum and Bull Reds. We have vented every fish that we have released - and have tried to teach others to do so also.

By no means am I an animal softey - I just can't imagine killing a beatiful fish just because I was too lazy to properly release a fish.

Now .... I am stepping off my soap box. Can I get an Amen?????? (smile)

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