Monday - 3/27/2006 - Too Many Fish!

There are days of fishing and then there are days like today were it was an incredible DAY OF CATCHING! The water had cooled down to 61.7 when we arrived - but was at 63.1 when we left. There was a strong outgoing tide and the water clarity was fine - nothing special either way. The wind was SE about 10-15.

Dewey and I usually put out 6 lines when it is just he and I fishing. There are times our boat looks like a upside down dead spider. The fishing was sooooo good today - that we started only putting out 4 lines. There was a time that were fighting 4 fish at once! Many times we had 1 or 2 in the boat and before we could get them out - we were fighting more fish!

It got so bad that we literally pulled all of our lines out of the water for about 15 minutes just to drink coffee and get a bite to eat!

As best as we could count - we caught about 26-28 Black Drum and 2 Bull Reds. It was a crazy day. We fished for a little over 4 hours. Dropped the anchor about 8 and pulled it up a little after noon.

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