March 2nd, 2006 Bayano River Region - Panama

We were able to fish one day on our Mission Trip to Panama. While on the mission trip - we were in the mountains working in four different Kuna Indian Villages: Martee; Walla; Nura, Wakukko.

However, we were able to fish the Bayano River where it dumps into the Pacific. I don't remember the name of the Port - but it was near Chepo. We were fishing for Snook and Tarpon. We were told that we weren't there at the right time - but still gave it a try. The land and water was beautiful. We saw several Tarpon feeding but were unable to hook any.

Click here for a link to a short movie of the fishing trip. (Must be viewed through Explorer)

We did catch about 20-25 Jack Crevalle trolling at the mouth of the River. It was great - but not Tarpon. Maybe next time.

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