February 5th, 2007 - Water Too Cold

It had been quite a while since we have been able to get out on the water. It was about this time last year that the Black Drum Run was getting started. With the recent weather about 10 degrees colder than normal - the water was about 51 degrees - and a bit too cold for the Run to begin.

We used cracked crab and cut shad on the bottom and didn't pick up much at all. We fished a slack and then incoming tide. We moved around quite a bit trying to trigger something - fishing at Moon Rock, Shrimp Boat, Tarpon One and then back towards the Moon Rock - and for all that effort, we picked up 1 Bull Red and 2 Black Drum.
Here is Dewey Jr with a nice Bull Red. It was the only Red caught on the day.
Dewey Sr. traded in his "Hard Head" fishing skills for "Black Drum" fishing skills!

I had the pleasure of taking Coach Leonard, my Son Nathan's Basketball Coach out today. Even though it was a slow slow day, he caught this nice Black Drum! Hopefully, we can get out there again soon when the water warms up a bit and the Black Drum run Starts.

There were several comments coming from the Dewey's about some stench coming from my section of the boat ... something about someone smelling like a skunk ... well since I was the only one in the boat who didn't catch a fish ... I wanted my picture in here too!

Da - Stinky - Parson

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