Monday, February 26th, 2007

Dewey, Wayne and I had an opportunity to sneak out on the water and try and chase some Black and Red Drum down. It was a beautiful day with the winds out of the South at 5 to 10 early, then increased to about 15 later in the morning.

We had a good day on the water. We fished several spots at the end of the Jetty - both in and outside of the jetty. Although the fishing wasn't overwhelming - we ended up with 6 Bull Reds and 7 Big Black Drum. The water was about 60 degrees and the tide was really swirling at the end of the Jetty.

The Bull Reds were caught on cut shad - and the Black Drum were caught on cracked crab. All were vented and released. By the way, we saw several fish that had been caught and released without being vented. These fish floated on the top - and the SeaGulls peck their eyes and orifices eventually killing the fish. For those who read this blog - there are instructions on how to vent Black Drum and Bull Reds! Make sure you do! It saves them to continue their spawn.Here is Wayne hooked up!

Both of these Black Drum tipped the scale at over 50lbs. Both were vented and released. This Black Drum below was a male ... and he was very excited to see me. (grin)

Something very unusual happened on this trip! I caught more hardheads than Dewey did! I caught two and and Dewey caught one! Dewey was sure that I wouldn't say anything about this on the blog ... but I am a fisherman of integrity! (laughing)

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