May 31st, 2007 - Dewey Jr's Day of Dominance

When we arrived at the Boat Ramp - it was absolutely overflowing and packed! It looked like a Saturday with all of the Trucks and Trailers! Tomorrow (June 1st) is the first day of the Oberto Red Fish Tournament out of Kemah and there were tons of people prefishing. Once we were on the water, it was a day of dominance for Dewey Jr. He definitely put it on us today. On the way out to the Jetty, we noticed the wind a little bit out of the north. Apparently that little cold front that came through the night before dumping rain everywhere shifted the wind during the morning hours. In addition, it was a full moon that was looming over us. The water was very dirty from all the run off we have had over the past few days, the tide was pushing in around the boat cut, but was almost non-existent at the end of the North Jetty. We fished exclusively at the end of the Jetty this morning - it was quite bumpy early, but settled down later in the day. We hadn't been there very long when Dewe...