May 31st, 2007 - Dewey Jr's Day of Dominance

When we arrived at the Boat Ramp - it was absolutely overflowing and packed! It looked like a Saturday with all of the Trucks and Trailers! Tomorrow (June 1st) is the first day of the Oberto Red Fish Tournament out of Kemah and there were tons of people prefishing.

Once we were on the water, it was a day of dominance for Dewey Jr. He definitely put it on us today. On the way out to the Jetty, we noticed the wind a little bit out of the north. Apparently that little cold front that came through the night before dumping rain everywhere shifted the wind during the morning hours. In addition, it was a full moon that was looming over us.

The water was very dirty from all the run off we have had over the past few days, the tide was pushing in around the boat cut, but was almost non-existent at the end of the North Jetty. We fished exclusively at the end of the Jetty this morning - it was quite bumpy early, but settled down later in the day.

We hadn't been there very long when Dewey Jr. got his first of many Bull Reds of the day.

For some reason today, we had 4 Bull Red's take the hook very deep. Both Dewey Jr. and I used our tags on the first two - there was no way they would have made it. On the last one I hooked deep - I simply clipped the leader and sent him on his way. Dewey Jr. got the hook out of this one - we both commented these were some big reds where you could stick your hand all the way down their throat. But the fish was vented and swam away.

Dewey really dominated today - he was in the hot corner of the boat and caught 9 Bull Reds on the day. We also boated 30 or so SLIMY Gaff-top. There were some humongous Gaff-top that we took home - Dewey Sr. cleaned 20 of them at the Fish Table.

Dewey Jr. caught this Ray - apparently he had been caught before - he had been "de-tailed" but was a good fish on the lighter tackle Dewey was using to catch bait.
Here is proof the I did catch fish on the day. I think I caught 4 Bull Red and would have caught 1 more if Dewey didn't knock one off while trying to get the Boca-grip on him. Funny thing was, while he was knocking the fish off, he told me Wayne (who fishes with us often) told him to knock a fish off of my line for him. Right as he was saying it, the fish (who was really loosely hooked) pulled loose. Dewey Jr. cracked up ... I cried and whined like a baby ... (grin).

Driving home, we surmised that with all the fresh water the Shark must have headed for saltier water. We hooked only 2 Shark on the day - 2 Blacktips - one was an 18" Bathtub Shark, the other was a 3 1/2 foot Blacktip we let swim another day.
There were alot of "Shrink Wrapped" fishing boats getting ready for the Oberto Redfish Cup Tournament tomorrow. We saw the Tabasco Boat, Oberto Boat, Bay and Lake Boat and several others. They were very gracious and fun to watch fish.

There were also a couple of other boats - either pre-fishing the tournament, or guys that just got their boat and really didn't have a clue what they were doing. One guy in a brand new Welcraft came in between three boats at the end of the Jetty. He was so proud of himself he did donuts in his boat out past the end of the Jetty. Beautiful boat - should have come with some lessons.
You may notice the lack of Dewey Sr. Pictures from this trip. Please rest assured, he was there and he was fishing. He did catch several nice Gaff-top and of course, he caught his share - and several others - of hardhead.
All in all, it was a great day to be on the way. Thirteen Bull Reds - Brought home 20 Big Slimy Gaff-top, 2 Shark, several whiting, 1 Ray and not to be forgotten - hardheads.

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